Transforming Beyond Logic by Sheryl

Happy Person

“What do you know for sure?”  Gene Siskel

Do you remember Gene Siskel from Siskel and Ebert?  He loved to ask his guests the above question, wanting to hear what they’d learned so far in life.

I had a student who, when she was a teenager, had a list of very definite answers to that question.  I admired her certainty in responding.  Several years later, a lot of that certainty had faded, as it does for many of us as we age.   When her certainty faded, our real dialogues could begin. It was necessary for her to be in the first place, and it was necessary for her to be in the next place.  That’s growth.  Life separated our paths, and we’re no longer in contact.  I’d love to know how she’d answer the question today.

I have a friend who was recently diagnosed with cancer.  I wanted to support her.  I offered to coach her to do what I did with Laila, the coaching I offer through this website, the coaching that focuses on sharing dozens of ways to utilize prayer and intention, love and fun as support for people in need of assistance.  She knew Laila’s story; she’d seen us walking together for years.  She couldn’t believe it was possible for Laila’s cancer to clear without traditional treatment and stay clear without traditional treatment for the final two years of her life.

I asked her to give me a few minutes to describe my process.  She’s going through chemo, and I understand that her conversations need to be brief and to the point.   I summarized what I did with Laila and asked if she’d be interested in learning more.  She replied, “I was raised by a well-educated father who valued logic.  He taught me to value logic, too.  What you’re telling me isn’t logical, and I can’t accept it.”

She’d seen Laila live two more happy and healthy years without cancer.  It didn’t matter.  Her belief system wouldn’t allow her to accept what she saw.  She knows for sure that what Laila and I did together is impossible.

Even though it happened.

I honor her choice to not accept what happened to us.  I’ve heard it from others who’d seen Laila and me together.  One who told me two years ago there was no way Laila would survive splenic and probable liver cancer later explained her recovery away as “something that only happens to angels, not real people.”  That’s what she knows for sure.

I have practiced my protocol with my mother and aunt during their dementia years, myself during my stroke recovery, and Laila during the final years of her life.  I have practiced this protocol with others.  I know this protocol works.  I have seen miracles that just aren’t logical.  Even though they aren’t logical, they really happened.  I can’t guarantee others will have the same miracles, but I know there’s a good chance everyone involved might enjoy their situations a lot more if they considered doing what we did together. That’s why I coach.

Some people learn better from hearing, some people learn better from reading, and some people learn better from experiencing.  Maybe blogging about this and writing a book about this isn’t enough to touch the hearts of  those who aren’t visual learners.

How can I broadcast my important message to the widest possible audience?


I’m going back into hosting radio.

Transforming Through Love Radio will debut by the end of August 2015.  My guests and I will discuss how love has helped us to illogically transform difficult situations.  I’ll also speak with experts known for teaching the healing power of love.  I’m glad to have help in getting this message out to the world, and I’ll be announcing my first guest during the next few days.   She’s an old soul in a twelve-year-old body.  I love her a lot.  I trust you’ll love her, too.

I invite you to listen to the upcoming interviews.  Bring an open mind.  Bring a closed mind.  Come as you are.  But please listen.  I hope you’ll consider lovingly challenging the belief systems that have convinced you for years that life has to be logical.

I’ll tell you what I know for sure.  I’ve learned that the magic of life begins where logic ends.

If you’re ready to transform your story from one of pain into one of healing, let’s see if we’re a professional match for each other.  I invite you to fill out the contact form.  And thanks for reading.

Copyright 2015 by Sheryl Hirsch-Kramer.  All rights for any further use reserved.  For permission to repost or reuse the above only in its entirety, fill out this form:  The information presented at and during coaching sessions is of a general nature and is not intended to be use as legal, medical or professional advice.  None of the information on this website is intended as a substitute for the counsel of a qualified doctor/physician, nurse, pharmacist, or other trusted health professional.  Always contact your own health care provider to assist you with your medical or health issues.  The information presented here is only meant to support you while you are being cared for by your own health care provider during your life’s journey.  It is not intended to be used as stand alone legal, medical or professional advice.  We cannot and will not take any responsibility for the results or consequences of any attempt to use or adopt any of the information presented on this web site as legal, medical, or professional advice.Always consult your physician or trusted health professional to design a treatment plan for your own or for someone else’s wellness.  All the information on this website is intended solely as loving support intended to accompany traditional medical care, not as stand-alone advice.  We appreciate your donations; please send a message via the contact form for donation instructions.If you like what you’re reading here, please forward this website to a friend: 

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