When we make the choice to use every experience as an opportunity to grow in our ability to give and receive love, we open the doorway to going beyond in...
When we make the choice to use every experience as an opportunity to grow in our ability to give and receive love, we open the doorway to going beyond in...
We forget who we were created to be. We used to know we are love. We are still love. What got in the way of our naturally being love? And...
If you cannot offer money, can you offer love? Can you offer your presence? Can you offer your friendship? Can you offer respect? Can you offer your prayers? Can you...
One thing life has taught me is that, when we are fully present, when we can embrace the gifts of the present moment, we create the avenue for our lives...
Perhaps you know the story of Luther Burbank, who wanted to grow a variety of spineless cactus. He told the cactus each day that it was safe with him, that...
Other people were looking at me. I’m a very nice and very gentle dog who happens to look like a wolf. They were initially scared of sitting so close to...
I loved seeing a healthy portion of the international audience speak up. It's so great to see people saying no to being disrespected. Even if it doesn't always look like...
I now suggest that my clients who are healing from a history of abuse buy themselves a tiara to remind us of the Queens we are. I recently gave a...
With so much happening in the world in this moment (wildfires, earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes, for starters) each of us is being invited to make a positive difference in the...