I've decided to expand this message to share with those I meet who are kind to me. I celebrate kindness more and more each day, especially when confronted with fear...
I've decided to expand this message to share with those I meet who are kind to me. I celebrate kindness more and more each day, especially when confronted with fear...
We forget who we were created to be. We used to know we are love. We are still love. What got in the way of our naturally being love? And...
One thing life has taught me is that, when we are fully present, when we can embrace the gifts of the present moment, we create the avenue for our lives...
Can we learn to love someone we don't like? With Mother's Day on the horizon and with so many relationships of all kinds in transition, I'm here to share the...
I shared stories from my life to help her understand why it's time for her to screw being strong. I'm going to share with you what I shared with her. ...
My first teacher of wizardry passed away a few hours before my client gave me the compliment. I'm one of many who will continue to do what he did. My...
Are you loving yourself if you're disrespecting yourself physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually?
Real love is eternal. While I am in the place between the loves I have been blessed to experience and the loves I have yet to experience, if I look...
I encourage you to choose someone you know, someone who is in service to your community, and create your own version of "The Laila Award." I don't believe in categorizing...
Instead of admiring me or any other survivor of major illness with your mind, find one of the many, many people or animals in your life who ache to be...