Helping Heroes Regain Their Lives

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder cannot truly be understood unless you have lived with heroes.  Heroes include ourselves and/or those who live with it and families who live with people living with PTSD.

I first learned about PTSD through college friends who were traumatized by what they’d seen and experienced during military service. During my own PTSD years, I was consumed by anxiety over things that even remotely reminded me of what had brought it into my life. I was unable to keep my promise to care for my mom in my home during her dementia years because, thanks to PTSD, even my sincere dedication to her wellbeing wasn’t enough to make me the caregiver she needed. There’s lots more, but I trust you get the idea. I’m blessed to now live free of PTSD, but I miss the years of full out living and broken promises I’ll never get back.

Hoof Prints on the Heart is a 501(c)3 founded by my friend, Jenni Tevlin. This organization is dedicated to helping veterans, first responders and their families find healing from the catastrophic effects of PTSD through interactions with some of nature’s finest healers: horses. Horses don’t judge anyone for having PTSD. Horses don’t try to fix anyone who has PTSD. Horses offer themselves in loving service by creating a safe space for those who have PTSD to help them find their own healing.

Hoof Prints on the Heart is having their First Annual Community Awareness Fundraiser this afternoon (16 October) in Millstone, NJ, from 2-4 pm. If you can attend, please attend. If you cannot attend, please donate (instructions are on their website).  If you cannot do either, please like or share this post. Thank you for helping so many get their lives back, those who have paid such a high price for helping us. <3

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