I may have given her a bracelet, but I was the one who received the gift. It felt wonderful to have followed my intuition and spontaneously did something that lit...
I may have given her a bracelet, but I was the one who received the gift. It felt wonderful to have followed my intuition and spontaneously did something that lit...
It feels wonderful to be on mission. We feel like we're making a positive difference in the world instead of taking up time and space. Looking for and thanking people...
I'm not touching them with my arms. I'm touching them with my heart. The walls that divide stranger from stranger instantly crumble. People cry. People hold out their arms to...
I've learned The Love and Kindness Initiative grows best when the idea is presented as a gift from one friend to another. If you saw the happy tears that spring...
I ask you to consider the possibility that people show up in our lives as opportunities for us to give back to life. Not only are we in relationship with...
Perhaps you were raised to only speak when spoken to, to only love when love is offered. If you're committed to transforming your part of the world through love, then...
I'm extending Phyllis' invitation to you. Let's make a deal, you and me. If you keep working on bringing more love, gratitude, and kindness to our world, I'll keep working...
When I heard about my cousin, I knew how important it was for me to become the emissary of love I came here to be. I feel love is the...
I'm talking about the passion that motivates someone to truly and deeply partner, heart to heart, with another. That type of unselfish passion spurs us on to learn how to...
Moving from keeping the focus on me to keeping the focus on her to keeping the focus on us was the key. There are three beings in every relationship: person...