Artist, instructor, wellness facilitator, cancer/brain trauma/dementia caregiver, animal communicator, author, stroke survivor, love of life catalyst, and instigator of The Love and Kindness Initiative.
Sheryl Hirsch-Kramer is a Love of Life Catalyst, sharing with clients the four point energetic support program she was intuitively given when her senior dog Laila was diagnosed with terminal splenic cancer that had spread to the liver and at least one kidney. Without surgery, chemo or radiation, and with the energetic support program and a holistic nutritional support program given by her veterinarian, Laila’s tumor was gone in a month and never returned. She lived a mostly healthy and very happy life for two more years, dying at age sixteen of conditions associated with old age. Sheryl credits her living with the after effects of experiencing a life-changing stroke in 2012 as a key reason why she was able to question whether the veterinarian’s diagnosis of terminal cancer really meant Laila had to die.
Sheryl studied phenomenological psychology and philosophy at Duquesne University before earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Art Education from The Pennsylvania State University. She spent thirty-five years studying and practicing calligraphy, eventually becoming a travelling instructor known for celebrating her students’ creativity. Her signature program was “The Up Side of Screwing Up,” a loving look at how the making of mistakes during the creation of art can often be Divine nudges to ditch the origin design and go with something very different.
A near-death experience in 1998 caused her to leave making art behind to study the healing arts. She has earned many certifications that helped her create her present work. When her mother fell and experienced a traumatic brain injury that radically changed her personality and gradually led to her developing the dementia that ended her life four years later, Sheryl’s first reaction was, “And now it’s time for me to learn about love.” She was a contributing writer for The Alzheimer’s Reading Room website under the brand “Keeping The Love Alive.” Sheryl feels that her mother’s knowing she was loved played a critical role in her unusually high functioning during her final years.
When her cousin was killed in the October 2018 Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, someone she’d only met twice, she asked herself a question that led to her bringing forth The Love and Kindness Initiative. The question? “If love and kindness could save my dog’s life after a diagnosis of terminal cancer, what good might happen in the world if I went around celebrating people for being loving and kind?” She hopes you will join her in looking for people who are kind and loving, people you know well and people who are new to you, and thanking them for helping our world transform through love. To learn more, please visit TransformingThroughLove.com and click on the menu tab for Love and Kindness Initiative.
Sheryl’s first book, “Nine Roses For Chelsea: A Spiritual Journey,” was published in 2005. She is currently editing her second book, “Love, Laila.” She was the host for Glow With The Flow Radio on BlogTalkRadio and VoiceAmerica Radio, Catalytic Radio on BBS Radio, and several teleseminar series. She now produces what she calls “brief, heartfelt, and ultra low tech videos” for her YouTube channel, Transforming Through Love Love and Kindness.